KJP Is Dividing Us Again, Smearing the Messengers


The “historic” KJP thinks it’s bizarre and hateful to repeat stories – not debunked – about Haitians eating pets or wildlife or something. Actually, the torture and killing of cats has increased in Queens, NY. We don’t know who is doing that. We’re not saying it’s Haitians since people in other nations also do it.

Yet, Haitians do it at home out of necessity or religion. Their religion of Voodoo demands it, and some say it’s happening. Regardless, that isn’t the problem.

KJP talks about our shared values, but what would those be? Since they are 100% Voodoo, how do we reconcile that?

The problem is the corrupt US government is importing millions of people without vetting them and without the resources to accommodate them so Democrats can have a permanent electoral majority.

The corrupt US government is protecting criminals and terrorists in sanctuaries. And, while they make our world more dangerous, they demand the confiscation of our semi-automatics.

Most don’t care about the color of a person’s skin. That is what Democrats in power care about, and they make that clear with DEI. Democrats in power, as opposed to normal Democrats, have embraced racism.


Leftist ideology is destructive.

Animal Sacrifices

Three mutilated cats found in Houston? Hmmm, maybe we should try to solve this case.

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