Kristen Welker, NBC Clown News, Wants DJT’s Cholesterol Levels


Kristen Welker seemed rather desperate during an interview with Speaker Mike Johnson. She kept pressing Johnson for more of Donald Trump’s health records, insisting, “Shouldn’t we have Donald Trump’s cholesterol levels?”

The world is on the brink of World War III, our borders are open to hordes of unvetted people, and our economy is sinking into the abyss as our small American children are told they can change their genders. And what’s important to NBC’s Welker is DJT’s cholesterol, or maybe the message is that we should vote for Kamala because her cholesterol is good. Kamala is the person who hid Biden’s dementia from the world and kept saying how well he is.

Welker also lied about the FEMA funds. She’s unbelievably arrogant and ridiculous.

Listen to Speaker Johnson’s response; it’s great.

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