Reporter Sydney Hernandez has covered the throngs of people pouring into our country each day.
The video below shows hundreds of illegals waiting to be bussed, processed and probably released into America. Border Patrol agents can be seen leading the groups to buses.
Eventually, they will wander our country at will. We don’t know who they are. Three to four thousand come through each day at this point. Some bring in drugs.
#BORDERNEWS Wednesday between 12:00 AM and 5:00 A.M. Border Patrol agents apprehended almost 300 undocumented immigrants in Los Ebanos, TX in 6 separate groups within those 5 hours. Here’s a video of hundreds of them crossing. Daily apprehension rate in #RGV is 1,100 per @CBPRGV
— Sydney Hernandez (@SydneyKGBT) April 25, 2019
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Border Patrol is releasing 1.4 thousand every day. About 7,000 were released in the U.S. in five days. We don’t know who these people are.
The invaders are coming from all over the world. What will the leftists say about that? We’re racist against the entire world?
At least 1,300 mainly Cuban migrants fled on foot from an immigration detention center on Mexico’s southern border Thursday in the largest mass escape in recent memory.
The National Immigration Institute said 700 of the Cubans had returned voluntarily, but 600 were still on the loose.
Federal police with riot shields later streamed inside to control the situation, as a crowd of angry Cubans whose relatives were being held at the facility gathered outside.
“This was the escape of migrants from different nationalities of the St. Century migration station in Tapachula.”
The New York Times’ Tom Friedman told Wolf Blitzer the way to solve the crisis at the border, and the only way to do that is to build “a high wall and a big gate.”
When a leftist like Friedman visits the border and comes back calling for a wall, you know we need a wall.
Wolf had Friedman on his show after he visited the border, something all our politicians should be ordered to do. “It’s a very troubling scene,” Friedman wrote.
He concluded that Trump’s correct about the emergency unfolding on the southern border:
The whole day left me more certain than ever that we have a real immigration crisis and that the solution is a high wall with a big gate — but a smart gate.
Without a high wall, too many Americans will lack confidence that we can control our borders, and they therefore will oppose the steady immigration we need. But for this wall to have a big gate, it has to be a smart and compassionate one, one that says, “Besides legitimate asylum seekers, we’ll accept immigrants at a rate at which they can be properly absorbed into our society and work force, and we’ll favor visa seekers with energies and talents that enrich and advance our society.” That’s the opposite of the unstrategic, far-too random, chaotic immigration “system” we have now. …
Indeed, if you are pro-immigration as I am, you have to acknowledge that this haphazard “system” has overwhelmed the Border Patrol and our immigration courts and contributed to Trump’s election. A May 2016 poll by the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic found that 48 percent of white working-class Americans agree that “things have changed so much that I often feel like a stranger in my own country.”
And in an era when more and more countries will fracture under environmental, population, criminal and technological stresses, we simply cannot take everyone who shows up at our border.
“I’m as radically pro-immigration as they come,” says NYT columnist Thomas Friedman. “But it is pretty clear to me that unless we can assure a significant number of Americans that we can control our border, we’re never going to have the proper immigration flow I think we need.”
— CNN (@CNN) April 25, 2019
Now watch Peter King’s reaction when he finds out how many communist Chinese are pouring across our borders.
Why don’t our congressmen know this?
Clarion Project discovered that a private Islamic school in Dearborn, Michigan is linked to diehard supporters of Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. The school teaches students from kindergarten through 9th grade. How did these anti-American subversives get here? Why do we let just anyone come into the country and then let them stay after we find out they hate us? We are the authors of our own demise.
These people may or may not have come in legally. The borders are open. The point is we should be selective.
Clarion Intelligence Network researcher Alex VanNess gave the details to Steve Gruber of WJIM:
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