Let’s Tear These Statues Down, See If We Get Thrown in Jail


by Zigmont

Do people tearing down Civil War monuments know there are three statues to Lenin and one to Stalin in the United States?

There is one in Atlantic City, New Jersey, New York City, and Seattle, Washington. There is also a bust of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in Bedford, Virginia,

At a time when there are politicians and state governments ready and willing to take down statues and monuments honoring Confederate personnel just to appease these nut jobs that have zero knowledge of history (civil war did not start over slavery, slavery was morphed into the war later), no one seems interested in taking down statues of two of the most brutal and bloody dictators that have ever haunted the planet.

Maybe they ought to think about it!

Here is a statue of Joseph Stalin who murdered millions.
Communist Vladimir Lenin in New York City, waving to people on Houston Street
Lenin in Seattle, Washington
Lenin in Red Square in Atlantic City, NJ

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