What the Hay “Is This Clown Talking About?”


Oh, the irony. Barack Obama spoke at a democracy conference and talked about all the things he did in his three terms in office, one unelected term. He weaponized every agency and indoctrinated every area of government, education, and companies with anti-American DEI racism.

Barack’s Ironic Speech

“One side tries to stack the deck and lock in [very long pause]…”

“A permanent grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes, or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.”

He is talking about himself. Obama has been nothing but divisive. He’s divided us along every line imaginable, and finally, people are starting to wake up to it.

We all know Barack Obama is behind much of what is happening now.

He’s accusing Donald Trump of doing what he has done. Could it be any worse than it is now? We are facing World War III, open borders, sex slavery, financial collapse, and the threat of pandemics and lockdowns.

Obama has lost a lot of his star power and influence. He came into office planning to oversee our decline as a nation. He pushed us in that direction. Obama has been behind Joe Biden, his figurehead. He won’t go away easily, and losing his fourth term must be devastating

As Ben Shapiro said, by democracy, Obama means controlling it all and staying in power forever. That is the reason for so much of what Democrats are doing, especially when it comes to the open borders, but I sing to the choir.

After dividing us, he’s preaching about trusting one another again.

Listening to this made me realize he’s incredibly boring. Blah, blah, blah, go away, Barry.

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