A man named Shannon Brandt admitted he deliberately ran over an 18 year old conservative named Cayler Ellingson in McHenry North Dakota. The young man had been dancing in the street. According to court documents, Brandt told investigators that he’d purposely hit the teen with his SUV after they had a political argument.
Ellingson was struck and killed in an alley. Brant was charged in foster county with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in death. He was released from custody after posting $50,000 bond.
Despite deliberately killing the very young man, the charges were reduced from vehicular homicide to murder with a dangerous weapon. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-09-30/new-murder-charge-for-north-dakota-man-who-ran-over-teen
The 41-year old killer was drinking alcohol, and felt threatened. He said that he thought the young man was going to call people to help him.
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Brandt made a point of telling authorities that he thought he was a right wing extremist.
A state district court judge on Friday sentenced Brandt to five years in prison with credit for nearly a year served, followed by three years’ supervised probation and a yearlong suspension of his driver’s license. The charge’s maximum penalty is 10 years in prison, a $20,000 fine or both.
Defense attorney Mark Friese told the AP Brandt “is relieved to have finally been able to offer his apology and to allow the Ellingson family to move forward. It’s been a very difficult year for everyone involved.
“It got exacerbated by false information making it into the media and people using this tragedy to advance their political platforms,” Friese said.
The lawyer didn’t explain her false information made it into the public sphere. The man admitted to first degree murder because he was afraid of a conservative 18 year old. That’s a story. He only got five years in prison. Jays six prisoners who shook fences got 18 years. It’s just hard to make sense of our justice system these days. There’s not a lot of consistency.
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