Marion County Police [Stasi] Are Responsible for the Death of a 98- Year-Old Woman


Law enforcement officers in Kansas raided the home and office of a newspaper owner, prompting a sharp rebuke from a press freedom group and raising constitutional questions far beyond the small city in the state.

The paper’s co-owner and publisher, Eric Meyer, believes Friday’s raid in Marion – about 60 miles north of Wichita – was prompted by a story published Wednesday about a local business owner, while authorities countered they are investigating what they called “identity theft” in a search warrant.

The warrant also specifically targeted ownership of computers and devices or internet service accounts used to “participate in the identify theft of Kari Newell,” he added

The warrant was ridiculously broad. They grabbed everything, and they went to the home of the editor’s mother, and had her so terrified, she had a heart attack the next day and died. Watch the video clip below.

Judges, prosecutors, and some law-enforcement are totally out of control. The editor’s mother had nothing to do with the paper. She was an innocent elderly woman. They terrorized this 98 year old woman.

This is not how you treat journalists. I hope he sues them into bankruptcy.

As the editor said, this is pure Gestapo tactics. It is what they do in communist and fascist nations.

This seems to be involving a woman who thinks her husband let the paper know that she had a DUI in 2008. That’s it. Actually, her DUI is public knowledge.

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