Mayor Wu Says Everyone Has the Right to Come to the US for Asylum or Shelter


The Mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, who has segregated parties where whites are not welcome, thinks everyone in the world has the right to come to this country and seek asylum OR shelter.

“Every person has the legal right to come to the United States and seek asylum or shelter, and those policies have been in place for a long time, but when the review of that individual’s particular situation and then the decision to allow the pathway to stay and or work authorization that comes along with that when that process is so drawn out people are stuck.

She thinks everyone coming wants a “safe democracy [this is a Constitutional Republic] and to work.

“They are looking to work, looking to contribute, looking to be in a safe democracy where they can raise their families, and we at the city level are now dealing with many of the impacts of the processes having people fall through the cracks at the federal level. So, we’re working very closely with the state. This is affecting municipalities across the commonwealth to be able to triage the situation and create temporary housing so that families get…

[Of course, if you’re white, don’t come to one of her parties.]

What do you think? Our laws dictate that they seek asylum in a neighboring country, but we no longer follow those laws.

The part of her sentence I struggle with is where she says they can “come to the United States.” Also, when did our laws allow everyone to come to work?

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