McEnany responds to press about Trump suggesting Scarborough’s a murderer


The husband of a woman who worked for Joe Scarborough when she died in his office years ago, wants the President to stop tweeting about her possibly being murdered by Joe Scarborough. He also wants the tweets taken down.

Trump should just ignore the weasel Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika, but he won’t. So, here we are.

Kayleigh McEnany responded to questions about it today. Basically, she brought up the awful things they say about the president every day. This past week, Mika accused the President of murdering 100,000 people.

She also brought up the fact that years ago, Scarborough joked and laughed about murdering an intern on Don Imus’ show.

The Twitter mob wants the President kicked off Twitter.


The incident they are referring to was the subject of conspiracy theories when Scarborough was a Republican. The autopsy showed Ms. Klausutis had an undiagnosed heart condition and was near-unconscious when she fell and hit her head, which is why she didn’t try to catch herself. She died of a brain bleed. The doctor who did the autopsy later had legal difficulties, lost his license in two states, and was arrested for unrelated misbehavior. it started up the conspiracy theories about Ms. Klausutis once again. Scarborough was never named as a suspect and the Chief of Police said there was no suspicion of foul play.

This is the Imus interview Ms. McEnany also referenced:

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