Merry Freakin’ Christmas in Chicago – 30 People Shot


Over the long Christmas weekend, 30 people in Chicago were shot and 8 of them died. Three people were shot and killed on Christmas Day. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

No word on whether those who were murdered on Christmas Day had opened their Christmas gifts yet. Surely the people who gave the gifts can return them for refunds. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

At 10 pm Saturday, the day after Christmas, a man was found shot to death in an alley. He had just opened his Christmas gifts the day before. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

Also on Saturday, a young man was shot and killed while trying to rob a cell phone store. He walked into the store, brandished a gun, and demanded property from the clerk. The store employee pulled out his own gun and fired several rounds, striking the robber in the chest. Apparently, he didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas.

The would-be Grinch was pronounced dead at the hospital. Fortunately, the 29-year-old store clerk had a valid concealed-carry license, or he would have been the one in the morgue. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

Around 4 am Sunday morning, a 24-year-old woman was shot and killed while she sat in a vehicle with two men. Surely her Christmas gifts can be returned. Later that morning, another person was shot and killed. That person wasn’t even important enough for ABC7 News Chicago to list the gender, name, or age of the victim. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

A 57-year-old man was gunned down in a drive-by shooting at 4 am Monday morning. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. Maybe his Christmas gifts can be returned for a full refund. Merry Freakin’ Christmas!

Shootings and murders are so commonplace in Chicago that even the local news station can’t get excited. “At least 20 other people were wounded in shootings within the city limits between 5 pm Thursday and 5 am Monday,” ABC7 News reported.

The families of those 20 people deserve more than an honorable mention. With just a couple of days left in the year, including New Year’s Eve, you know there will be more shootings and murders.


In a year in which hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. have died from the Coronavirus, Chicago hasn’t skipped a beat when it comes to violence in the city. The unrelenting black-on-black shootings and murders in 2020 have hit near-record highs.

The “2020 Chicago Shot Clock” shows that someone was shot in Chicago every 2 hours and 5 minutes and a person was murdered every 11 hours and 5 minutes. About 95 percent of the assailants and victims were black or hispanic. Many of them were gang members.

Astonishingly, over 4,150 people shot. An incomprehensible 786 total homicides. Merry Freakin’ Christmas, Chicago!

As I have repeatedly asked, where is BLM? Are the Social Justice activists too scared to go into the city where blacks are being slaughtered? Maybe, as many people have suspected all along, they aren’t really about whether Black Lives Matter.

That doesn’t bode well for Chicago in 2021 because an end to the violence is nowhere in sight. Help is nowhere to be found. Can’t wait for New Year’s Eve when there’s going to be a lot of alcohol and drugs involved.

Happy Freakin’ New Year!

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