Three illegal alien criminals have been arrested after they allegedly attacked and killed a Mexican border agent when he asked to see their identification papers, authorities said. Two Venezuelans and one Colombian were detained. They were heading for the US.
Federal agent Luis Alberto Olivas García was ambushed Monday at a checkpoint in the northern state of Chihuahua, across the border from El Paso, Texas, according to Mexico’s National Migration Institute.
The slain immigration agent suffered an apparent head injury in the assault, with his body also showing “signs of violence,” authorities said.
The agent had only just been recognized for his 30 years of service to the federal agency before his death, Chihuahua security ministry, Jorge Armendárizm told the New York Times.
Global Migration Compact
This agent died to protect his nation. This is thanks to the Global Migration Compact and Democrat Open Borders.
BREAKING – Border Agent of Mexico assassinated by three migrantsThe migrants were from Colombia and Venezuela! @BenBergquam @RealAmVoice @stinchfield1776 @RealTomHoman @TomHoman_ @BensmanTodd @CabelloAuden @JoshJPhilipp @jsolomonReports @AmandaHead @TBatesNews @EpochTimes…
— Oscar Blue Ramirez (@Oscarelblue) December 31, 2024
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