Michael Moore and others compare J6 rioters and paraders to the Taliban


Several times today, CBS News radio – WINS – claimed the rescuing of Afghans “continues to proceed in an orderly manner.” This is after we watched people fall from moving planes as they tried to escape, and the Taliban shot at people trying to get into the airport.

Pravda couldn’t compete with our media.

Marxist Michael Moore compared the J6 rioters and paraders to the Taliban who rape, pillage, and put peoples’ heads on pikes. He put up a picture of the Buffalo horns guy below a photo of heavily armed killers.

Moore captioned it, “Their Taliban, our Taliban, everybody’s got a Taliban. They’re at their best when they confiscate the halls of power.”

You can’t make this stuff up. As Biden destroys America and the Taliban slaughter people in Afghanistan, this inept filmmaker is comparing them to Trump supporters.

Stephen Colbert wants our soldiers in this country fighting Trump supporters:

We also had #IStandWithBiden trending today and people like the strange person below jumped right on it. He’s probably paid to say what he is saying. He’s subtly claiming he stands with Biden pulling out of Afghanistan when that is not the issue. However, it is the false narrative the Left is trying to sell. They want you to forget the withdrawal was a disaster. People aren’t upset about the withdrawal for the most part. They’re upset about the way Biden’s handlers withdrew.

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