Mitch McConnell to Host Biden at a Celebration of Biden’s Inflation Bill


Mitch McConnell will host Joe Biden in Kentucky on Wednesday at a “bipartisan” celebration of Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed in 2021 with help from McConnell. It’s a far-left inflationary, climate extremism boondoggle, but they are proud of it. Biden will brag about it, and McConnell will aid and abet.

“President Joe Biden will open the new year with a bipartisan show of support to tout one of his major legislative wins, appearing with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky to announce a major project funded by the infrastructure law.” NBC News reports.

Maybe McConnell, R. KY, is senile. How could he be this out of touch? He’s trying to work as a gentleman in a bipartisan manner, abandoning the Republican-led House. McConnell wants to work bipartisanly with a mob of socialists and communists. This man is sick.

This is an in-your-face insult.

It will take place the day after the Republicans take the House. Tell me that wasn’t done deliberately. What did Trump call him, “an old crone?” He is.

We now know what we can expect from Mitch this year. He will fight for nothing and continually throw lifelines to Democrats to help them achieve their progressive agenda. The border will remain open, the economy will continue to slide, and Mitch will mingle with his friends in the uniparty club.

NBC News boasted of non-existent successes:

After two years of tough legislating in a Congress completely in Democratic hands, administration officials see 2023 as a year mainly about implementing Biden’s signature economic initiatives, including steps to boost semiconductor manufacturing under the CHIPS Act and new cost-cutting measures from the Inflation Reduction Act.

But the bipartisan infrastructure law will be front and center as the White House says 20,000 new projects funded by the law will be underway in the year ahead.

In 2021, the president kicked off a major public effort to build support for the infrastructure bill with a televised town hall in Cincinnati in which he vowed “to fix that damn bridge of yours going into Kentucky” — referring to the Brent Spence Bridge, a key interstate crossing classified as “functionally obsolete” that has long held up as an example of the need for major new investment in roads, bridges, and other public works projects.

Biden is senile, and the country is a mess, but the politicians pretend otherwise. The corrupt press is backing them up.


Vice President Kamala Harris will hold an event in Chicago on Wednesday as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg does the same in Connecticut. There are two success stories for you. Kamala can’t speak intelligibly, and as far as Buttigieg is concerned, have you seen the airports lately?

National Economic Council Director Brian Deese and senior adviser Anita Dunn wrote in a year-end memo that there is “clear evidence that President Biden’s economic strategy of growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle out is working.”

We have soaring food prices, our energy sector is being destroyed, our borders are wide open, and our leader is a senile old fool who got us into a war that has the potential to destroy the world.

“I’ve never been more optimistic about America in my whole career,” Biden said during an appearance on ABC’s New Year’s Eve special. “We’ve been through so much, so much difficulty, the pandemic, flu, a whole range of things. And look how the American people fought back, and they got up, and they — there’s nothing that can hold them down.”

Oh, yeah, it’s all good, Joe.

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