Harvard’s President Claudine Gay faces additional complaints of plagiarism, but two professors whose work was copied see the issue as more technical than egregious. Harvard’s Research Integrity office received a complaint on Tuesday detailing the plagiarism.
The more significant issue is the racism at the university and the lack of a strong response to it.
There are now more than 40 allegations of plagiarism against her. These allegations include dozens of additional cases in which Gay quoted or paraphrased authors without proper attribution.
The double standard has allegedly angered some students.
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Students caught plagiarizing are routinely suspended for semesters or even entire academic years. How committed is Harvard to their racialist president?
The NY Post Report
“A Tuesday New York Post report included two previously unreported instances where Gay’s words mirrored that of other scholars. Conservative activist Christopher F. Rufo wrote that economic historian Phillip W. Magness had discovered an additional instance of alleged plagiarism in a Wednesday post on X,” Tilly R. Robinson wrote at the Harvard Crimson.
“In one instance, Gay used similar phrasing to another scholar to describe the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit but did not cite their work, though both scholars cited the same source. In another, Gay’s description of her methods was similar to another paper which she did not cite in that context but cited elsewhere in her work,” the Crimson continued.
“In other flagged instances, Gay shared language with a paper that she cited but did not quote directly,” Robinson says.
Harvard said they found a few instances, but she didn’t violate their standards. Gay has now also requested changes to some submitted articles where she left off citations.
The plagiarism is not a good look but her racism is worse. Harvard is okay with all of it. This is the premier university in the world.
Two professors whose work was plagiarized saw it as unimportant and only technical issues they didn’t want exaggerated.
Christopher Rufo, a Harvard graduate has a different view of it:
The Claudine Gay plagiarism story is the most significant academic scandal in America. And yet, most of the left-leaning publications have remained silent—except when they serve as stenographers for Harvard’s media team or accuse conservatives of racism. pic.twitter.com/1SBlXBl2D8
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) December 20, 2023
This is incredible: In her dissertation, Claudine Gay plagiarized the language of her acknowledgment from the acknowledgment of another scholar, without citing the source. She couldn’t even say “thank you” without plagiarizing the language. pic.twitter.com/UcztaGBUzn
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) December 19, 2023
Any minute now, everyone bringing this out will be accused of racism.
Gay. issued a statement on Tuesday:
“I stand by the integrity of my scholarship,” she wrote. “Throughout my career, I have worked to ensure my scholarship adheres to the highest academic standards.”
Donors are dropping out for the second year in a row, but we’re talking two billion dollars for a university with an endowment of $50.7 billion. They pay almost no taxes on it.
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