Morning Joe screams at election doubters: ‘Get out!’ You’re unworthy! Ilegals will take your place


Joe Scarborough, a former Republican and host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” went off on a crazed rant about Americans who refuse to accept the outcome of the [illegitimate] November election.

Sure, why should anyone question the 81 million votes that went to a numbskull who campaigned from his basement and can’t form coherent sentences without teleprompters?

He can’t even get ten people to show up at his events.

The mail-in ballots, unsecured dropboxes without a chain of custody, and rules and laws changed at the last minute to help Biden — nothing to see there.

This Scarborough character is the same guy who said, along with most of the Democrats, that Trump was an illegitimate president.

“Love it or leave it!” Scarborough shouted.

“If you don’t have respect in American democracy anymore…” he ranted. “If you don’t respect Madisonian checks and balances if your guy doesn’t win,” Scarborough shouted, adding, “Then just leave our country—because you’re unworthy of it.”

Scarborough threatened ‘doubting Americans’ that “millions of immigrants” will be glad to take their place.

That is what they’re doing — bringing in illegals to take our place. They’re doing it no matter what we do. That’s the reason for the open borders and flooding red states with these future Democrats.

Scarborough needs help. He has a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Watch the lunatic:

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