Morning Joe Was Tricked Into Not Showing Up for Work Monday


Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough thinks his bosses lied to him when they told him they would have breaking news all day. He now sees that never happened, and they took them off the air for an unknown reason. Most people believe it was so the hosts and guests wouldn’t say anything stupid.

He’s disappointed. However, he and Mika make millions of dollars annually to lie and attack Donald Trump and his supporters relentlessly. He should be grateful since he has nothing to offer except divisiveness. Some of the things they say on this network are outrageously dishonest and cruel.

It sounds like they were tricked. Any four hours they are not on air brings peace to the world. What are these people going to do if Trump loses? They won’t have a network.

They claim they express themselves in a “civil way.”

If it happens again, Joe and Mika said they will show up no matter what the bosses say. Oh, goody.

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