Mostly Peaceful Protests Left an Officer Severely Brain Injured


According to CNN, ‘Protests’ marking the 10th anniversary of Michael Brown Jr.’s death were mostly peaceful. As the night approached, people were injured, property damaged, and some people were arrested. It left an officer fighting for his life.

“We had protesters lined up across the street here, and for the majority of the night, they were peaceful,” Ferguson Police Chief Troy Doyle said at a news conference on Saturday afternoon to address a violent confrontation that occurred Friday night between police and protesters.

“We even began blocking our streets, allowing the protesters to demonstrate without interference. But as the night went on, protesters started violently shaking the fence at our police station. We did not react until they broke the fence and destroyed property.”

This is called a riot, not a mostly peaceful protest. If Republicans were doing this, the media would go bonkers, and Democrats would use it to damage Donald Trump.

Officers were only there to ensure safe spaces. Their reward for doing their job is injuries, and one officer has brain damage.

Chief Doyle: Officers Are Punching Bags

Chief Doyle said, “I sent out an arrest team to address the destruction of property. As my team approached the suspect, one of our officers was assaulted and is now fighting for his life in the hospital,” he stated. “This department has become a punching bag for this community, but the officers here now were not even here in 2014. We’ve implemented every change the activist community has asked for, from body cameras to bias training, yet we’re still facing this violence.”

The officer has been left with severe brain damage. The Chief was near tears. This officer will never be the same if he even survives.

What kind of protest leaves an officer critically injured? This is not a protest. It’s a crime, and they are criminals.

These lunatics have been empowered by Democrats and their ‘mainstream’ media, which are just far-left propaganda outlets to hurt and even kill the police.

The Hero, Michael Brown

They are still celebrating Michael Brown, a young hood who stole from a store and roughed up the store keep. Then he smacked around a police officer who told him to get out of the middle of the street. Brown tried to get his gun. He took off with his accomplice and later tried to charge the officer who followed him to arrest him. As he charged, the officer shot him, and he died. His accomplice lied and claimed Brown had his hands up and said, “Don’t shoot.” Thus, the phony expression became, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!”  A jury found the officer innocent. Brown’s accomplice later admitted he made the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” up.

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