Movement against the Bill of Rights is succeeding


Drawing by Antonio Branco

Under the guise of keeping us safe, officials, mostly Democrats, are experimenting with robbing us of our civil liberties. This is what we can look forward to beyond the virus if we don’t start fighting.

The American Center for Law and Justice is suing HUD to halt the confiscation of Bibles in public housing. This confiscation is based on a rule by the ex-president, Barack Obama, who banned them and any religious anything in 2010. For years now, the left has told us we aren’t even allowed the right to proselytize or even share our beliefs in public. That is discrimination.

Today, things are much worse. Religion is under attack, particularly the Christian religion. In order for socialism to work, our faith in religion must be destroyed or greatly reduced. Christianity — and Judaism — are a special threat because Judeo-Christian beliefs are the basis of our constitution and our form of government.

In case you haven’t noticed, our government is no longer based on the consent of the American people. Too many officials do whatever they want with little regard for how their voters feel about a particular issue.

For example, most Americans want some limits on abortion, but in several states, the officials ruled abortion to the moment of birth is allowed and there are no rules for post-birth abortion.


Illegal aliens have standing in courts and Democrats want them to have all of our benefits, accompanied by open borders.

Criminals have standing in court and are released from prison over a virus.

What would our founders say about all this taxation without representation? Why are we allowing trillions in spending that will cause inflation and perhaps collapse our economy?

Government jobs go on but private industry is being erased with this economic lockdown. They should share in the pain, shouldn’t they?

People are treated similar to the way Chinese people are treated. There is a great deal of oppression when democrat mayors and governors can get away with it.

Recently, drive-in Christian church services were banned even though there was no congregating involved. In fact, as churchgoers attempted to attend such a service in Kentucky, they found nails all over the entranceways to the parking lot.Thie license numbers were taken and they were ordered to quarantine for 14 days.

A 12-year-old girl was cited for playing basketball by herself, a surfer was arrested for surfing alone, a father was handcuffed to a picnic table for taking his children out with no one else around, and Michigan’s tyrannical governor banned the sale of seeds and won’t let people go to their second home or a neighbor’s house.

A 6-year-old and a father were dragged off a Philadelphia subway car for not wearing a mask.


Wake Up!

We are losing free speech, freedom of religion, the right to assemble, the freedom to choose who can come into our country, the right to reject taxation, and the entire Bill of Rights. Now, Dr. Fauci is talking about immunity cards.

Wake the Hell up! Someone wake Bill Barr up too!


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