mRNA vaccine inventor suggests cause of myocarditis in kids after vaccination


Childhood vaccinations for COVID-19 have become controversial over a small number of reported cases of heart inflammation that have been tied to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Google-owned YouTube recently deleted a video showing a podcast where Dr. Robert Malone and others discussed concerns with the COVID-19 vaccines, Fox News reported.

Dr. Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology.


Malone said he has a “bias that the benefits probably don’t outweigh the risks” for younger Americans receiving the vaccine, but said the risk-benefit analysis is not being done.

“But unfortunately, the risk-benefit analysis is not being done, so that is one of my other objections, that we talk about these words ‘risk-benefit analysis’ casually as if it is very deep science,” he continued. “It’s not. Normally at this stage, the CDC would have performed those risk-benefit analyses and they would be database and science-based. They are not right now. It’s kind of a little bit the seat of the pants, and that I really object to.”

Malone said there is a “pretty good chance” that the risk-benefit ratio for those 18 years old and under “doesn’t justify vaccination in these very young adults.”


Malone said his understanding is that the CDC is “overwhelmed” and waiting on data from other countries to come in before they make decisions.

“I think that what we have is a structural problem in how the databases were built and how they are being analyzed,” he continued.

“Rare cases of heart inflammation could be linked to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, according to new research, but medical experts say the risk of the conditions is still far lower than the risks of serious illness or death from contracting COVID-19,” ABC in Australia reported last week.

“Two new US studies published today looked at a combined 27 people who developed myocarditis — a rare inflammation of the heart muscle — within days of having the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,” the report continued.

Dr. Malone weighed in on the findings:

“I suspect that the peri- and myocarditis will be tracked to microcoagulopathy in cardiac vessels due to spike protein effects,” Dr. Robert Malone remarked on Twitter.

“Does the problem of spike migrating to all organs exist for protein based vaccines as well? or only with gene therapy-based vaccines?” a commenter asked.

“[G]enerally not, but at this point, it should be investigated,” Dr. Malone replied. “The ‘tell’ is in the adverse events. That is why I am so enthusiastic about the novavax product becoming available. It will basically serve nicely as an ‘active control’ for comparing adverse event profiles.”

Rep. Thomas Massie, a scientist who graduated from MIT, further illustrated that the risks are not inconsequential.


The Centers for Disease Control advisory group last week released a statement on the ‘likely link’ between COVID-19 vaccinations and heart inflammation in rare cases. In over 300 cases of reported myocarditis or pericarditis, a Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccination preceded the heart condition.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group noted the adverse reaction in vaccinated males between the ages of 16 and 24. The development of the heart condition was observed in adolescents and young adults and was considerably higher after the second dose in males.

Earlier, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention endorsed the use of the experimental Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines in children as young as 12. That guidance has not been reversed, despite the concerning early findings.


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