Naperville Wants Residents to House Unvetted Aliens in Their Big Homes


Naperville Councilman Josh McBroom wants a sign-up list for residents to host illegals in their homes. The people of Naperville overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden and should take them in. It’s a sanctuary, albeit not official. If people don’t take them in, and we’re betting the NIMBYS won’t, Naperville is going to sue cities that don’t welcome them.

The city is very affluent, and McBroom sees their big homes as great places to put these anonymous illegal aliens.

“There are a lot of people who do care,” McBroom began, “and I think we live in a compassionate community, so, you know, before we go down the road of, you know, doing what, you know, following suit on some of these other cities, are taking action on, umm, you know, my idea would be let’s find out who’s going to help, you know.

Naperville, IL, USA – July 14, 2018: Downtown Naperville Riverwalk. It’s a perfect place for invaders.

“So, you know,” he continued, “we do hear from constituents on both sides of this. What are we going to do to preemptively stop this? And then we hear from people who tell us we should do more.

“So, you know, we do have a very affluent community, big homes,” he pointed out, “and what I’d like to do is direct staff to create a signup sheet so, you know, for individuals that would be willing to house migrant families.

“And if there’s people that would do that, God bless them. So if we could raise awareness, and that way, I think we need to find out, I think we need to find out who would be willing to house migrant families, and so that would be my new next business, and I’ve been looking for, you know, support from the dais, any questions, discussion happy to have that.”

First question: how many unvetted illegal aliens is he taking in?

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