National Police Organization Wants an Apology from Harris


In a newly resurfaced video, Kamala Harris drew equivalence between slavery, Jim Crow laws, and lynching. She claimed our institutions have done violence to black Americans. One thing is clear. She doesn’t really know what systemic means, nor does she realize slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow functioned under the auspices of the Democrat party.

Ironically, Harris is the descendant of the notorious slaver Hamilton Brown on her father’s side. Her father is Afro-Caribbean, and her mother is Indian.

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) called on Vice President Kamala Harris to apologize for these remarks.

The NAPO’s Tuesday letter was featured in a press release by the Trump campaign on Wednesday.

“Kamala Harris has shown once again that she simply has no actual knowledge of what modern American police officers do, and worse, doesn’t seem to even care for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect American communities. We call on her to retract and apologize for her comments equating policing to lynching and slavery,” Michael McHale, the president of the NAPO, said.

“She has yet to explain her support for defunding the police and, even worse, her support for the so-called ‘Minnesota Freedom Fund’ that put persons arrested for violent crimes back on the streets as Minneapolis burned during the George Floyd riots,” he added.

Harris helped fundraise for the Antifa and Black Lives Matter radicals so they could get out of jail and commit more crimes.

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