Wokistan Netflix Might Fire Some WOKE Employees


WOKE Employees at Netflix might have to censor themselves or lose their jobs. Following the Dave Chappelle debacle of censorship and assault, Netflix appears to be so over its WOKE employees. WOKEs are the arrogant narcissists who censor and silence anyone who offends their snowflake selves. They are the cancel culture. And now, Netflix is losing money in a downward trend!

The “Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence” memo explains to employees that even content

they believe is “harmful” will not be censored. This is according to Variety which got a copy of it. It continued, “If you find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”

It’s the first update in five years, but now we have the WOKE employees.


The document has a new title: “Netflix Culture — Seeking Excellence” (previously it was simply called “Netflix Culture”).

And it adds a new directive for employees to act with fiscal responsibility. This comes as Netflix in Q1 saw its first decline in subscribers in more than a decade, Variety states.

Money talks.

The updated Netflix Culture memo also includes a new section called “Artistic Expression,” explaining that the streamer will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees consider the content “harmful.” It states, “If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”

The WOKE workers can get another job.


“Entertaining the world is an amazing opportunity and also a challenge because viewers have very different tastes and points of view. So we offer a wide variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative,” the memo read.

“As employees, we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of stories…Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles you perceive to be harmful. If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.” They were obviously referring to WOKE staffers.

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