New York City Makes Its Move to Destroy Wood-Fired Pizzerias


An Italian pizza in a traditional wood-fired stone oven

There are only about 130 wood-fired pizzerias in New York City. Nevertheless, the city plans to destroy them or make the owners pay to meet their extreme demands, although it will not affect the climate.

You can see where this climate extremism is headed. They will put an end to fireplaces, stoves, all wood-burning appliances, and furnaces. It is the beginning of the end of the wood-fired anything.

The city is implementing a rule forcing wood-fired pizzerias to cut emissions by 75%.

The plan requires pizza parlors and matzah bakeries that use decades-old wood—and coal-fired stoves to reduce their smoky pollutants by 75%.

Some pizza establishments have already complied with the upcoming mandate by spending over $600,000 to install new smoke-eating systems.

New York City Democrats shut down the city during the pandemic, followed by vaccination and masking mandates. Recently, they warned real estate investors of potential legal action if their political stance differs. Now, they’re introducing congestion pricing and targeting the pizza industry.

They plan to destroy the City and make it over in their dark, dystopian image.

Video via @ImMeme


You can read the rule and the comments about it at this link. There are 155 comments, and the first one supports it, but the others find it “serenely ridiculous,” as one person put it. It doesn’t matter what the people think. They had no intention of listening to the people because they knew best.

Mayor Eric Adams’ Department of Environmental Protection said the fresh edict takes effect April 27. Some city businesses have already spent over $600,000 on new smoke-eating systems in anticipation of the expected mandate.

“You are going after pizza? Glorious New York pizza?” groused Mike Dabin in a recent online comment to the city DEP. “Can’t you go after Diesel Trucks instead of Pizza Ovens?”

Adams has defended the mandate for the Big Apple, which was recently named the most expensive city in the country to get a slice of pizza.

It’s going to be a lot more expensive!

“The scientific evidence is clear that reducing emissions of fine particulate matter will improve the health of New Yorkers and reduce hospital visits and costs, without changing the amazing taste of NYC pizza,” DEP rep Edward Timbers insisted in an emailed statement to The Post on Sunday.

The evidence shows it won’t do anything, but this is their incremental first step. This is what happens when you put stupid people in charge.

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