Newsom will ‘allow’ churches to open in Stage 3 with 13 pp of draconian rules

The state of California on Monday issued guidelines for reopening churches. This comes days after President Trump threatened to “override” any states where in-person services are still banned.

Benevolent Emperor Newsom, in his grand generosity, will allow churches to open in Stage 3 with a long list of guidelines. The rules completely changes the way people worship.

The guidelines, released by the state’s Department of Public Health, ask that churches frequently sanitize pews, microphones, and other high-traffic areas in sanctuaries.

They also discourage the passing of the collection or communion plate and require a distance of 6 feet between family groups. Churches are asked to shorten their services.

The report notes that in mid-May, a group of over 3,000 churches informed Newsom they were reopening by the end of the month, whether he approved or not.

California’s new guidelines for churches requires them get approval from county health officials, then limit their attendance to only 25% of building capacity, or a maximum of 100 people. After 21 days, a reassessment will be made.

They strongly recommend against singing, recitations and anything out loud.

The new guidelines include the following, but this is the shortlist, there is much more — 13 pages worth:

  • Congregants/visitors should be screened for temperature and/or symptoms upon arrival to places of worship and asked to use hand sanitizer and to wear face coverings.
  • Consider using disposable seat covers for congregants/visitors, particularly on porous surfaces or where a facility has multiple daily services. Discard and replace seat covers between each use. Provide disposable or washable covers on pillows used as seating on floors and change/wash them after each use.
  • Discontinue passing offering plates and similar items that move between people. Use alternative giving options such as secure drop boxes that do not require opening/closing and can be cleaned and disinfected. Consider implementing digital systems that allow congregants/visitors to make touch-free offerings
  • Do not hold potlucks or similar family-style eating and drinking events.
  • Mark walking paths between spaces designated for congregants/visitor
    /kneel so that people do not walk where someone may touch their head to the floor.
  • Strongly consider discontinuing singing, group recitation, and other practices and performances where there is increased likelihood for transmission from contaminated exhaled droplets. Modify practices such as limiting the number people reciting or singing
  • Implement measures to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between workers, staff, congregants/visitors, etc. This can include use of physical partitions or visual cues (e.g., floor or pew markings or signs to indicate where people should sit and stand). Reconfigure seating and standing areas to maintain physical distancing of six feet or more between congregants/visitors from different households. Consider limiting seating to alternate rows. Members of the same household may be seated together but should maintain at least six feet of distance from other households.
  • Close or restrict common areas, such as break rooms, kitchenettes, foyers, etc. where people are likely to congregate and interact. Consider installing barriers or increase physical distance between tables/seating when there is continued use of these areas.
  • Turn off public drinking water fountains and place signs informing congregants/visitors they are inoperable.
  • Discourage staff, congregants, visitors, etc., from engaging in handshakes, hugs, and similar greetings that break physical distance. Take reasonable measures to remind people to wave or use other greetings.
  • Consider reduced visitor capacity and stagger visitation times at funerals, wakes, etc., if possible.
  • Reconfigure parking lots to limit congregation points and ensure proper separation (e.g., closing every other space).
  • Remove from service or find low-community touch alternatives for communal/religious water containers such as fonts, sinks, and vessels. Empty and change water between uses.

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