NFL Was Fully Supportive of Eminem Kneeling [to Disrespect Police & USA]


The claim that the NFL told Eminem not to kneel and he did it anyway is not true. The NFL knew he was going to do it and approved.

“We watched all elements of the show during multiple rehearsals this week and were aware that Eminem was going to do that,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told ESPN after the incident.

They are disgusting. This is anti-police and anti-USA. The NFL hates the police and America.

Naturally, the vile ‘ladies’ of The View are all in on the anti-police thing. Worse than Eminem was Dre singing an anti-police lyric. It is so wrong to paint all police with one brush. It’s stereotyping.

The worst part of the halftime show is youth are being misled and warped.

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