No Legitimate Country Has Open Borders Except the US


Democrats have given us open borders. No legitimate country in the world has open borders. And they have the gall to lie about it and claim the borders are secure. They are permanently changing our culture, economy, and they are diluting out our vote. We are losing our freedoms.

Democrats won’t allow anyone to say they are replacing Americans, but they are replacing all that makes us Americans. It’s not immigration per se. It’s the massive illegal immigration with no efforts to assimilate the people. In fact, the opposite is true. They don’t want anyone assimilated and want you to believe you can take over 6 million unvetted, unassimilated people a year into the country without it changing us into something we won’t like.

They want you to believe you can have 150 — 180 cultures in the country without destroying it.

Chuck Schumer wants to give citizenship to the “11 million” illegal aliens, putting them on a path to citizenship. It’s been 11 million since the ’80s. It’s more likely 30 to 60 million. Just look at the numbers of aliens who can’t speak English or can’t vote. It’s in the tens of millions.

Think of what this will do to the economy since most will need welfare, free medical, and Social Security, programs that are nearly defunct now. Democrats are making us into a Third World Welfare State. We’re not even talking about the criminals and terrorists making their way into the country.

Democrats want the votes so they can lead a one-party state where the people have no voice.

They are also bringing in indentured servants to work cheaply, taking jobs from Americans. It will especially hit the poor to start.

Additionally, we take in one million foreigners legally each year, and kill one million unborn babies each year. It’s not a good statistic.

Schumer and his allies do not care about the American people. The open borders are a cynical political move to transform America. You won’t like the country when they’re finished with it.

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