No moment of silence from Biden for 72 people shot in Chicago over holiday weekend


President Biden called for a moment of silence following the shooting at an Independence Day parade outside of Chicago. At least three dozen people were shot and six others died when a man opened fire on the parade from a rooftop in the wealthy Chicago suburb of Highland Park.

Biden was silent, however, following the shooting of 72 people in Chicago that left 10 dead over the Independence Day holiday weekend.

It’s interesting that Biden would single out the mass shooting in a wealthy Democrat-run city, but totally ignore mass shootings right next door in the mostly low-income predominantly-black neighborhoods of Chicago.


Twelve people were shot in three separate attacks on the West and South sides of Chicago over the weekend, two of which were mass shootings. Where was the moment of silence from President Biden?

Another 16 people were shot, two fatally, in an eight-hour span from late Saturday night to early Sunday morning. No comment from Biden.

On Sunday evening, in two separate attacks, a 5-year-old boy and a 10-year-old boy were shot and wounded. Crickets from Biden.

Sunday morning three people were all shot multiple times in their own backyard. The 24-year-old man died, while the two women sustained serious injuries. Another young woman was caught in the crossfire of a shootout and killed Friday night. Doesn’t Biden care about women?

In four separate incidents on Saturday, four young men were shot in the head and killed. Doesn’t qualify as a mass shooting because the men were not shot in the same place at the same time. But they’re no less dead. Doesn’t Biden think Black Lives Matter?

A 90-year-old man was shot in the stomach and left for dead on Saturday morning. He is recovering in the hospital. Hey, Biden is almost that old.


But it wasn’t just Chicago that saw gun violence over the holiday weekend. Fifty-two people were shot in New York City, including 21 just on the 4th of July. That’s a 62.5 percent increase from the same period last year.

Six people were shot in both Kansas City, Missouri, and in Richmond, Virginia. Five people were shot, one fatally in Kenosha, Wisconsin. An 8-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy were shot while playing in a bounce house in Indianapolis.

Other mass shootings occurred in cities in Massachusetts, North and South Carolina, Washington, Arizona, and Texas. And as many cities continue their “defund the police” movement, things will only get worse.

Hundreds of people in Democrat-run cities were shot during the Independence Day weekend, but President Biden didn’t offer a moment of silence for any of them.

(So, how’s that “Safer Communities” gun law working out for you, Joe?)

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