No new cases in China but CNN reports hysterically about 18 months of the virus


Fake news CNN reports: the administration is preparing for a pandemic that could last up to 18 months or longer and “include multiple waves of illness,” a 100-page report obtained by CNN shows. ‘Could’ is the operative word here.

No one knows how long it will last or if it will come back, but if China is telling the truth, it will be over soon. The title should be, China has no new cases today, and that is what China is reporting. Hopefully, they are telling the truth.


At a news conference on Thursday morning, officials from China’s National Health Commission announced there had been just 34 new cases in the past 24 hours — all imported from overseas — and eight new deaths, all in Hubei, the province where the virus was first identified. There were no new reported cases in Hubei at all on Wednesday.


CNN fails to provide the government report and several paragraphs into their article, they admit, “While not saying specifically that the administration believes the pandemic will last 18 months, the document lays out the contingency plans they are making have to assume a longer timeline to ensure preparedness.”

They probably got their hands on a report that examines a worst-case scenario, but all people repeat is the virus will last 18 months. The 18 months is the outside time limit for a vaccine. A cure or a viable medicine for the virus will likely come much sooner. Trials have begun for both and many drugs used for other similar viruses will probably be adjusted for this new virus.

It’s simply CNN fake news to frighten people and it’s in time for the markets to open. It served as an introduction to hysterical reporting about hospitals already sounding the alarm and the government anticipating medical supply shortages.

The one quote they pick from the President is this one: “I view it as, in a sense, of wartime president,” President Donald Trump said in a news conference Wednesday. “I mean, that’s what we’re fighting. It’s a very tough situation here.”

It fit the narrative the best.


It might be time to stop letting the CDC run the show. Dr. Fauci is calling for the President to shut the entire country down. Democrats love what the doctor has to say. However, a national shutdown will be used against the President down the road and it will destroy the economy and capitalism. They keep calling him a dictator and now they want him to be one. It’s not Ebola.

The Johns Hopkins chart shows the  United States has 9,415 people who have contracted the virus and 150 deaths. China says they have no new cases and a tremendous downtick in deaths. Most of the people who die are elderly or have underlying conditions or both. We should target them, not everyone.

There are a few things people should learn from this. First, we can’t do this every time a new virus shows up and we must put a better plan in place. Secondly, the media is crazy. Lastly, Democrats are exploiting this and using it as Russia 3.0, claiming the President didn’t handle the crisis and should be tried for murder.

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