Not “Collusion”, It’s About “Subversion”, “Sabotaging the Political Process”, “Propaganda”


In an interview on ‘Hannity’ with Dr. Sebastian Gorka and Fox News contributor, attorney Greg Jarrett Tuesday night, Jarrett suggested that Jeff Sessions and the DoJ are attempting to prevent the confidential informant from talking to Congress.

The informant says he can expose the Russian scheme to corrupt U.S. nuclear contractors prior to the Uranium One and Tenex deals.

Jarrett told Sean Hannity the confidential informant cannot be gagged and kept from testifying to Congress, citing a prior Supreme Court case.

“What strikes me is that Christopher Steele went to Moscow and talked to the Kremlin,” Jarrett said, switching the topic slightly, “and gathered false evidence.”

“The victim now is the President of the United States,” Jarrett added.

“They [Obama CFISU] never notified Congress, they have a legal duty to notify Congress, Congress would have stopped the sale of the asset,” Jarrett said.

Later he determined, “If there is collusion, it’s Hillary-Russia collusion, not Trump-Russia collusion.”

Dr. Gorka said we have to stop using the word, “collusion…because the evidence we now have is about subversion, it’s about sabotaging the political process, and it’s about propaganda.”

People sold out our national security, why?

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