NPR, Google Do NOT Wish You a Happy Easter, the President Does!


Vanessa Romo, writing for taxpayer-funded NPR, mocked the Pope’s statement that there is indeed a Hell in an article titled, ‘Pope to World, Hell Does Exist’. She was correcting a report earlier this week in which the Pope was said to have denied the existence of Hell. She did it with snarkiness.

Her article also misrepresented the meaning of Easter. Easter is one of the most important, if not the most important, Holy Days in the Christian calendar. It is the day Christ rose from the dead. He died to save men’s souls.

NPR grossly misrepresented the day and the correction was also a bit nasty.

Google at least wishes you a Happy Easter too. Oh, no, wait, they don’t. This is what their page looks like today.

In 2013, Google recognized the day as [leftist’s] Cesar Chavez’s birthday. Coincidentally, the White House also proclaimed Easter Sunday as Cesar Chavez Day in 2012.

In 2012, Google’s Christmas doodle said ‘Happy Holidays’ because ‘Christmas’ is a dirty word to them.

Bing has peeps on their page, recognizing the day in a secular way. Google — not a peep.

President Trump sent his Easter and Passover greetings!

We at the Sentinel wish you a joyous Easter. It is a most important day.

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