NSC Tells Undercover Reporter About Biden’s Dead Brain


National Security Council Advisor Henry Appel told an undercover journalist that “Biden is like dead” and can’t say a sentence. For example, he would call in from overseas looking for Jake Sullivan, and we’d have to tell him Jake is on the trip with him.

He didn’t know what “novel” meant when he was told about a novel idea. He thought it was about a book. Biden, he said, didn’t understand basic words or ideas.

Henry Appel, a former spy who currently works at the Intelligence Programs Directorate for the NSC, reveals: “We’re concerned about Trump coming after us.”

When Trump won, the NSC kooks were all trauma-bonded over things they would be accused of doing wrong.

On his dating profile, he wrote he overshares on the first date. He told his swiper date that “Joe is like dead.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

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