Nurses Laugh as WWII Vet Cries for Help


The 89-year old World War II veteran lay helplessly in his hospital bed calling for help because he couldn’t breathe while two nurses ignored him and laughed.

The nurses failed to take life-saving measures according to procedure. They were laughing as they tried to start an oxygen machine.

The secret video showed that nobody was doing CPR when one nurse arrived, and she did not start immediately. After the attorneys showed the nurse the video, she told them it was an honest mistake, based on her normal reactions.

The video had been under seal but was recently released. The incident took place in 2014.

The nurses lost their licenses but not until 10 months later. They turned them in this year after the video was released.

This was a man whose life was on the line as he fought in one of the worst wars imaginable.

The nursing home has a deplorable record and one-star rating but is still open.

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