NY Times Prepares Us for Days of Ballot Counting After the Election


The New York Times is setting us up for a corrupt election by suggesting it will take days. The only reason not to complete the counting on election night is if you want to cheat. We were always able to count all the ballots on Election Night before 2020.

The New York Times says it will take longer because of mail-in ballots.

Oregon allows 100% mail-in ballots. Mail-in or absentee ballots should only be for those who can’t attend the polls. Mail-in ballots are easily corrupted. You can get them approved, and no one will ever know you cheated.

The Times said that the host of election night parties should book a room for more than one night.

The NY Times says it is increasingly likely that there will not be a clear and immediate winner on election night and that early returns could give a full impression of who will ultimately prevail.

Well, we know what happened last time with boxes of ballots showing up well after the election. Democrats ran around getting people to hand in ballots after the election. They ignored signature verifications, broke the laws on dating envelopes, didn’t secure dropboxes or demand a chain of command. They found boxes of boxes in closets and accepted them.

Also, Democrats never purge the rolls.

The Times said that if a winner is not declared on election night, it doesn’t mean the process failed. Counting mail-in ballots requires intensely scrutinized security measures.

Right. Sure. I’ve been at the absentee ballot counting in New York; they are corrupt. Now, add mail-in ballots to the mix, and you really have corruption. You can’t find out which ones were cast in three days. That is all you have to prove corruption – three days. Once they are separated from the envelope, you don’t even know who the fraud was.

Democrats are pushing the mail-in ballots because they can be so easily corrupted.

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