NYC Preschool teaching 3-4-year-olds they can choose their gender


A taxpayer-funded preschool in New York City is teaching students to pick their own genders. It is part of a curriculum based on the communist Black Lives Matter, reports The New York Post.

Teachers at the PS 58 Carroll School in Brooklyn announced new curriculum for the 3 and 4 year-olds based on the 13 Principles of the Movement for Black Lives, which calls for “transgender affirmation.” The classes will come as part of the Black Lives Matter Week of Action from February 3-7.

“I was kind of horrified,” one father of a preschooler told the Post. “They say they’re trying to reduce racism and discrimination. To me, they’re perpetuating it, fomenting a sense of victimhood that 4-year-olds would never consider on their own.”

Teacher Rosy Clark sent an email to parents announcing the curriculum in mid-January, describing each of the 13 points in her own words.

“Everybody has the right to choose their own gender by listening to their own heart and mind. Everyone gets to choose if they are a boy or a girl or both or neither or something else, and no one gets to choose for them,” Clark wrote, according to the Post.

Among the bizarre 13 points are gender-affirming and Queer-affirming principles. Most concerning is principle 12 which injects fear and suspicion of those who would hurt black women.

This is so very psychologically damaging. I wouldn’t know where to begin. They are ruining generations of children. Someone who is sane needs to intervene.

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