NYT Wishes You Merry Christmas with a Story of Jesus’s Dysfunctional Family


The New York Times wishes you a very Merry Christmas with a story of Jesus’s dysfunctional family. The author Peter Wehner wrote:

One of the forgotten facts of the story of Jesus’ life is that he came from a profoundly dysfunctional family.

Oh, right, Joe was hitting the bars, and Mary was making money selling forged IDs. Just kidding.

What church does Wehner go to? The Church of Satan?
He wrote:

But as the pastor pointed out, Jesus came down to us through broken families: “One generation begetting brokenness of another generation begetting brokenness of another generation begetting brokenness of another generation.” There were murderers, adulterers, prostitutes, people who committed incest, liars, schemers, and idolaters.

Jesus may have been sinless, but those in his lineage were not.

On and on it goes.

The author ends by suggesting good can come from bad. What a way to go about it. Stuff it Wehner and the NYT is fake news.

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