Obama’s transformation of America sounds like Prairie Fire redux


Prairie Fire and Barack Obama’s transformation

The Prairie Fire manifesto of The Weather Underground is being referenced on Fox News by some of their law enforcement guests so it seems appropriate to review it. If you click the link, you can read it yourself.

While in hiding as fugitives, the Weather Underground wrote and published the 1974 pamphlet, Prairie Fire. One of the leaders, Bill Ayers later confirmed he was “guilty as hell, free as a bird.” He and his wife were able to beat all charges against them when they did emerge.

Barack Obama and Ayers worked closely together for the Annenberg Foundation handing out tens of millions of dollars to radical educators, who radicalized students with Afro-centric doctrines, and other similar ideologies. Ayers did more with Obama than just hold a fundraiser in his home.


Ayers was clear that he was a revolutionary communist. He now describes himself as a communist with a small ‘c.’ How he defines communist with a small ‘c’ isn’t how the average person would describe it.

The Weathermen write in Prairie Fire, “We are a guerilla organization. We are Communist men and women underground in the United States for more than four years.”

In another passage, the author states, “We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build a new society.”

Ayers became a professor who radicalized students at the University of Chicago.

An FBI Informant with the Weathermen, by Larry Grathwohl and Frank Reagan, originally published Prairie Fire in 1976.

Implanted in 1969 in the heart of a revolutionary movement, Larry Grathwohl, a 22-year-old Vietnam vet, became an FBI informant. Under deep cover, he became privy to their terror plots as well as the leadership’s “reasoning”. There were plots and subplots, exhorting the politics of anti-Imperialism.

In Chapter 14, “The Cover Is Blown,” they discuss their foreign terrorist connections and their close association with Arab terrorists and the KGB.


For the most part, The Weathermen went into the system to corrupt it.

Bill Ayers, the foremost leader of the Weathermen, was a national leader in the movement to radicalize the educational training of schoolteachers. He taught at the University of Chicago for three decades., and was a visiting scholar at Minnesota State. His wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a top leader as well “is a professor of law at Northwestern and a high-ranking officer in the American Bar Association.” Eleanor Raskin (née Stein) “is a law professor at S.U.N.Y Albany and, astonishingly, a NYS administrative law judge”. Jeff Jones “currently heads the New York-based Apollo Alliance, a highly influential coalition of labor leaders and environmentalists, and was responsible for drafting President Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act.” 


There are others and all are placed in extremely influential positions in politics, education, and the media. Only now they are more dangerous dressed in the garb of the respectable capitalist spewing the same ideology.

They wanted to transform Amerika into a Maoist authoritarian state. The original Maoists weaponized race and that is what is going on currently.


Then we have Barack Obama’s June 3rd town hall claiming racism is systemic. He still wants to transform America and generalizes bad policing to all police officers. Barack, more than any other president, has divided us by race.

There is no question he wants to use race to uproot our systems. He goes through a litany of revolutionaries as he congratulates the young people protesting [and rioting] including communists like Cesar Chavez, Malcolm X. And he goes through the identity groups he has weaponized during the town hall.

It is clear that he thinks there is a sense of “urgency” that he wants them to react to, and congratulates the law enforcement who want to “reimagine” policing.


His ally, George Soros, and others have poured millions into DA and Sheriff races to transform policing from the ground up.

Obama is taking a country that works and wants to transform it into his vision which matches up well with that of Bill Ayers.

The justice system is in danger.

Obama ends by discussing the chaos of the sixties and says the protests now represent a cross-section of America, which they didn’t do in the sixties. Something is different this time, he says, he can feel it, and he feels good about it.

Obama wants a revolutionary transformation of America with a weakened justice system although he says it with well-guarded and dressed up language.

Watch this after reading Prairie Fire:


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