Oh No, Trump Lost Al Gore! He’s Lost Pelosi and Mika Too!


They ran on the Confederate flag

The Washington Examiner reports that the former Vice President and climate change extremist Al Gore said his one piece of advice to President Trump would be to “resign”.

Gore made the statement in a video interview published Thursday on LAD Bible, the United Kingdom’s largest entertainment website.

He was there to discuss climate change and his bomb of a movie that failed at the box office, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” which was released this month.

The left wants him to resign for a statement the polls show most Americans agree with – both sides were violent in Charlottesville.

Nancy Pelosi, the aging hippie and House minority leader, wants Trump censored for telling the truth about it.

The Washington Post and CNN recently wrote articles admitting Antifa were communists, socialists and leftist anarchists but they whitewashed them. They’re “not that violent” according to WaPo. Communism has gone mainstream, so has violence as long as the left is doing it.


The resolution was introduced by Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.), and Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), Buzzfeed reported. It has already garnered the support of some 75 Democrats.

Shocker! He lost Pelosi and the Democrats!


Mika Brzezinski wants to invoke the 25th Amendment and declare the President unfit. Newsweek and US News and World Report are also demanding he be removed from office using this Amendment. Impeachment didn’t work so they are now pushing for the 25th Amendment.

If Republicans don’t start backing Trump, they will be gone as well. They don’t seem to realize that by weakening Trump, they are hurting themselves. The liberal wing of the GOP do not like the conservative and libertarian wing but without them, they are done. Perhaps they are okay with that.

Republican establishment figures do not have their hands on the pulse of a large section of their base.

Trump’s supporters are not the measly numbers of insane KKK and Nazis, despite the false narrative put out. Democrats however embrace the violent hard-left and, as usual, the Republicans let them get away with it.

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