Pandemic News


The House of Representatives appears closer to moving to remote voting during the pandemic. We probably won’t see them again until Republicans take back the House. We will hear from them though, calling for mail-in voting since it’s more susceptible to fraud than other forms of voting.

The pandemic is even keeping deep state stooge, Jim Clapper, from testifying, although he said he would do it remotely. He’s not anxious to explain the Flynn unmasking. He won’t testify in D.C. until there’s a cure or a vaccine for the virus.

During the same interview, he said how “routine” it is to unmask Americans and then said he couldn’t “recall” what “prompted him” to unmask General Flynn.

Oh, sure Jim.

Filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, who helped make the documentary film, Freakonomics, put a coronavirus death toll tracker in Times Square and has dubbed it the “Trump Death Clock.”

Apparently, every single death from coronavirus is President Trump’s fault. Unfortunately for Jarecki, Times Square is empty.

Tom Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says we’re in the five stages of grief with acceptance being the last. He paints a grim picture of our future, claiming the virus will never leave.

The media wants us fearful and submissive.

We now face massive unemployment and inflation. We panicked, with the help of a hysterical media, and we are becoming Venezuela.

Finally, we have new rules from the CDC:

The CDC has revised its rules for re-opening after the clamor over an outrageous plan that was rejected by the president. This one has six imperative and the ‘recommendations’ for religious institutions were removed for some reason.

CDC Guideline for reopening… by M Mali on Scribd

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