Pathetic: Caitlin Clark Bends the Knee


This is truly pathetic. Caitlin Clark went into a white privilege spiel and probably won no one over with her apology for allegedly having it. I won’t be watching the WNBA anymore. I only watched it for her.

She caved to the leftist mob. Maybe she didn’t cave and just believes this nonsense, but half the country has had enough.

Jason Whitlock “nearly cried…they massacred her.”

The Left politicized her in a divisive society, and Caitlin is the loser.

From the Time article:

Clark’s segment did include a more serious moment, as she thanked a quintet of Black women—Lisa Leslie, Sheryl Swoopes, Cynthia Cooper, Staley, and Maya Moore, Clark’s basketball hero growing up—for paving the way for her success.  These stars, despite their athletic prowess, were never rewarded with the same level of attention that Clark is now receiving. “America was founded on segregation and to this day is very much about Black and White,” Fagbenle, who loved playing with Clark, writes in a text message. “In a sport dominated by Black/African-American players, White America has rallied around Caitlin Clark.

The support looks mostly amazing, sometimes fanatical and territorial, sometimes racist. It seems that the Great White Hope syndrome is at play again.” Going into the WNBA season, Wilson, a two-time league champion and now three-time WNBA MVP, told the Associated Press she thought Clark’s race was a “huge” contributor to her popularity. “It doesn’t matter what we all do as Black women, we’re still going to be swept underneath the rug,” Wilson said. “That’s why it boils my blood when people say it’s not about race because it is.”

She’s aware of her white privilege?

Clark is cognizant of the racial underpinnings of her stardom. “I want to say I’ve earned every single thing, but as a white person, there is privilege,” says Clark. “A lot of those players in the league that have been really good have been Black players. This league has kind of been built on them. The more we can appreciate that, highlight that, talk about that, and then continue to have brands and companies invest in those players that have made this league incredible, I think it’s very important. I have to continue to try to change that. The more we can elevate Black women, that’s going to be a beautiful thing.”

White people, especially white men, have had to suffer non-ending racism, and catering to that is not acceptable.

White Privilege Is a Lie

The white privilege lie is racist. Democrats have made too many black people into victims using these types of racist theories. Blacks are no longer victims. They can do and become anything or anyone they have the ability and commitment to become.

Clark doesn’t have white privilege. There is no such thing. A hardcore leftist invented it. It is attributed to a black communist, W.E.B. DuBois. This was at a time when South Africa was suffering under Apartheid.

Communists made it popular in the US in the 1980s. They can take it and stuff it.

As Kelly said, she bent the knee.

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