Peaceful Canadian Trucker Protest: Even the Children Are Joining in


Will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau label the children in the first clip ‘right-wing extremists’ too? Trudeau has taken to his usual demonization tactics to try and minimize the political damage to him as 50,000 truckers take over Ottawa. Now we have children spending hours thanking the truckers. Are they terrorists too?

Trudeau’s nation has had enough and he is insulting more than just a “small” number of Canadians. He needs to get out of his ivory tower once in a while.

There has been NO police pushback. That’s interesting.

The United States is being transformed into an unrecognizable foreign country right now with millions of foreigners pouring in illegally. Many are criminals, some are terrorists, and there’s no significant reaction to it. If only my fellow Americans cared about their country as much as the Canadians.

Back to Canada.

Volunteers are feeding the truckers.

They have underground supply lines for the truckers. It’s a lot of people and not simply a “small” number.

Ottawa closed its bridges down, but nothing is stopping them. The number of people on the side of the road gives proof to the lie that it’s only a “small fringe” group.

Ottawa last night.

Is this what a small fringe group sounds like?

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