Pelosi Dog Whistles the Mob to “Influence the Court”


On Friday, the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appeared on MSNBC with host Nicolle Wallace to send a dog whistle to the mob. Speaker Pelosi told Wallace that overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey is “radical”. She suggested to her radical army that they assert  “public sentiment” to influence the court.

It’s a dog whistle.


“We have to have the clarity in what this draft decision means, so that what the final decision doesn’t go that far,” Pelosi said.

“The chief justice has said, this is, this is authentic, but it is not final,” she went on. “I don’t know if he is word authentic. It’s real, but not final.”

“So again, Lincoln said public sentiment is everything with it,” she continued. “You can accomplish almost anything — without it, nothing — and women just have to weigh in.”

“I don’t think there’s a good outcome here, but I think there’s a better outcome than what we have seen in the first draft, which is radical,” she added.

Pelosi says this as radical groups are threatening violence in major cities. In fact, the Capitol police erected fencing around the Supreme Court, and the radical leftists doxed and threatened the conservative Justices. Democrats never do much in the way of condemning Antifa and Black Lives Matter after they riot. The only strong reaction is aimed at the J6 rioters. Additionally, 90% of the charges against those violent, communist groups are dismissed.

Schumer’s At It Again

Schumer is doing the same thing – sending his dog whistle. He brought up a 1965 law about birth control — a long-dead issue — to stir up the mob and make the right seem extreme.

Clarence Thomas said the Court will not be bullied, after the controversial draft opinion was leaked and Justices were doxed. That was Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion as well.

Overturning the decisions does nothing to abortion except permit state voters to decide the restrictions they might want. Roe was radical — it allows terminating a baby’s life to the moment of birth.

This Is What the Democrat Leadership really Means and Their Followers Know It – Bullying

Schumer clearly threatened Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch not so long ago but paid no price, suffered no consequence. He should have been prosecuted at the time to dissuade the bullying.

Now, the mob is coming out again, with their blessing.

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