Poland Goes Globalist


Conservative rule ended last week as the globalist Donald Tusk took the reins. He began by taking control of state media.

Poland’s state television news channel TVP stopped broadcasting on Wednesday after the country’s new pro-EU prime minister, Donald Tusk, fired the “biased” media chiefs.

They’re an opposition channel.

He fired the heads of the state television, radio, and news agency, saying he wanted to restore “impartiality.”

Tusk only took office on December 13th but acted because he saw the agency as a mouthpiece for the conservatives. The other two state channels are mouthpieces for the Left.

The right-wing party PiS has long argued that Poles had little access to independent media with differing political views before Mr. Tusk’s previous stint as prime minister ended in 2015.

The new government was sworn into office last week, ending eight years of rule by the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, which had led a vocal campaign against what it calls “LGBT ideology.

On Friday, the newly appointed equality minister, Katarzyna Kotula of The Left, said she is confident they will have legislation for same-sex unions.

There will also be enforcement of anti-LGBT hate speech laws.

This would put them more in line with EU policies. Poland was described as a thorn in the EU’s side.

He will continue to maximize support for Ukraine, and after securing the borders, he plans a robust immigration program.

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