Possible Deal Killer for Kristi Noem as a Trump Running Mate


After the media blew up a story about Gov. Noem shooting a dog, we now have an anecdote about her meeting with Kim Jong Un in the govenror’s book. She admits it’s not true, adding when it was brought to her attention, it was corrected. Why did she say it in the first place?

The moderator on Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan, asked Kristi Noem about a passage in her new book. Brennan quoted the passage,  “I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants. (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all).”

“Did you meet Kim Jong Un,” Brennan asked.

Her answer was politicized.

“Well, you know, as soon as this was brought to my attention, I certainly made some changes and looked at this passage, and I’ve met with many, many world leaders. I’ve traveled around the world.  As soon as it was brought to my attention, we went forward and have made some edits.

So I’m glad that this book is being released in a couple of days, and that those edits will be in place, and that people will …

“We’ll have the updated version.”

“So you did not meet with Kim Jong Un?  That’s what you’re saying.

“I met with many, many world leaders, many world leaders. I’ve traveled around the world. I think I’ve talked extensively in this book about my time serving in Congress. My time as governor, before governor, some of the travels that I’ve had, I’m not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders. I’m just not going to do that. This anecdote shouldn’t have been in the book, and as soon as it was brought to my attention, I made sure that that was adjusted, so…”

It’s too bad the media doesn’t research Joe Biden as well. That being said, and to state the obvious, it sounds like she might have fabricated to show how tough she is and is covering it up. The dead dog story sounds like more of the same.

However, she might have had a ghostwriter who made it all up. We should let her explain. She didn’t in that segment but was caught by surprise. It sounds like a possible deal killer.

Usually, prospective candidates write a book to beef up their credentials, but a Kim Jong Un?

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