Powerful People Who Plan to Continue Face Masking


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical tyrant running the country, wants forced masking of children until we all feel safe. He needs to retire but won’t because he is having a grand time.

I feel safe, do you? Are you afraid of the children?

Teacher’s Union President Randi Weingarten likes the way Massachusetts handles it. They allow children to ditch the masks when 80% of them are vaccinated. Her “advice” is to tie freeing children of masks to vaccination.

In New York, the unelected Governor Kathy Hochul, who wears a Vaccine necklace, is planning to extend the mask mandate beyond the deadline of February 21, despite her blue state colleagues dumping them.

The rule granting Hochul the authority to require that students, teachers, and other personnel wear face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is set to lapse on Feb. 21 “but is expected to be renewed,” a Health Department spokeswoman told the Albany Times Union.

The mandate will likely remain in place beyond February, the Times Union said.

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