President Trump offered sympathy for those black families who lost loved ones in police shootings. He praised the police who are overwhelmingly good people and courageous, reminding us of all those who died in 9/11. He spoke of other officers who died in the line of duty in one of the most difficult jobs on earth.
President Trump emphasized the sacrifice of the hundreds of officers injured and mentioned the paralysis of one officer shot in the head during the riots.
Mr. Trump added that there will be no more looting and riots.
He also went over the stunning statistics of police arrests to keep the peace.
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The key elements are as described yesterday:
- The plan includes police training as part of a national licensing program.
- Chokeholds will be banned except if the officer’s life is in danger. Neck restraints or carotoid restraint were not banned.
- They will look at less-lethal weapons.
- Officers with significant discipline issues will not simply be transferred to other departments.
- Help for those with substance abuse and other mental abuse problems.
- And social workers will work with police (terrible idea, but hopefully I am wrong about that)
There are more ideas under consideration. This executive order is the first step.
The President reviewed his successes and the misery of the Chinese Communist Party virus from Wuhan, China. He spoke optimistically of our economic future, noting the successes in the stock market and in the rise of sales this past month. He also spoke about the need for school choice.