President Trump Hits His Highest Rating Ever in NBC/WallStJournal Poll


In a poll that traditionally shows President Trump doing poorly compared with other polls, he has jumped ahead of Barack Obama at the same time in his presidency. In the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, his approval numbers are at 47 percent while Obama’s were 45 percent.

That number conforms to the Rasmussen Daily polling of Trump’s approval rating on Friday.

The new NBC/WSJ poll found voters more energized than they have been for years, with 72 percent of Democrats telling pollsters they are very interested in the upcoming election as 68 percent of Republicans said the same.

“Midterms are about mobilization, and we are headed into the stretch run with unprecedented enthusiasm among both parties,” Democratic pollster Fred Yang told NBC.

The President is far more popular than the Democrats and the press want you to believe. He hit these numbers despite constant battering in the press. He draws tens of thousands at every rally, The upcoming rally in Houston has drawn over 100,000.

The media would have us all believe that everyone hates Trump but that isn’t the truth. They want us all to believe he is an illegitimate President who won because Russians hijacked the election. Most people see through that, but not the coastal elites, of course, who want permanent dominion over the rest of us.

Voting for democrats is a vote for open borders and many more and larger cartel-run caravans. It’s a vote for freebies to include illegal aliens. With Democrats, we will vote away our freedoms. Half the country knows it.

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