When someone declares they “stand with” Ukraine, consider asking them to clarify what exactly that means. Because in practice, it’s meant an enormous US weapons-funneling operation with no end in sight, massive new military spending, indefinite proxy warfare, and regime change.
~ Journalist, Michael Tracey
It might be hard for some to believe Ukrainian President Zelensky in this video of Zelensky’s address to the UN because of his extreme descriptions of what Russian soldiers allegedly did in Bucha town. He accused the soldiers of cutting out tongues because people didn’t hear them, raping and killing women in front of their children, and other war crimes. If they did it, they deserve the worst possible punishment.
However, Zelensky, a former actor, wants to drag NATO into war and the accusations have not been confirmed or even investigated by an independent source.
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Once we go over the brink as he wants, there is no going back. It’s hard to trust a person who is eager to push us into war.
See what you think of this speech.
We need this investigated. As Michael Tracey says, the Russian atrocities should not be discounted. But it’s not okay to simply accept Ukrainian propaganda as if it were fact, especially since they have put up a frantic lobbying offensive for the last six weeks. Zelensky demanded and cajoled the US to put a no-fly zone over Ukraine, knowing the repercussions for the West.
President Biden called for regime change and wants Putin tried for war crimes without an investigation first. The woman who attacks Tracey at the end is an NGO who works for Black Trident.
All Tracey is saying is get the independent investigation. Scrutiny is necessary in such a serious matter.
Here's the clip pic.twitter.com/F3PQktaeAE
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 5, 2022