Presidential hopeful Joe Biden explains how he will handle China


This is very painful to watch. It’s a video of how Joe Biden will deal with China. How do you think the debates will go, if there are any?

Trump writes in the title of the video that Biden “makes no sense.”

What Biden says is this: “The way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in in fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that that we deal with WHO the right way that in fact that’s when things begin to change.”

The slurring is pronounced and some of it is alarmingly unintelligible.

How might he fare against President Xi? The problem extends far beyond his dementia. Biden plans to take off all tariffs against China and continue the selling off of America to the Chinese Communist Party.


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