Proposed Bill Mandates Licenses to Buy & Own Guns – Puts AG in Charge


US Democrat Senators from New Jersey introduced gun control legislation that mandates a license to buy or receive and own a gun. The system for approval is under the US Attorney General. In other words, the US AG gets to decide if you can buy and own a gun.

Democratic New Jersey Senators Bod Menendez and Cory Booker, and Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal introduced the “Federal Firearm Licensing Act” Thursday, The Daily Wire reports.

The bill would pretty much smoke the Second Amendment. How many people would own a gun after this and how many years would it take?


Our Bill of Rights is under assault. The only ones responsible for it are Democrats despite their claims that Republicans are fascists. They clearly don’t want law-abiding Americans to own guns.

The text of the bill states in part: [It] shall be unlawful for any individual to purchase or receive a firearm unless the individual has a valid Federal firearm license.

We’d be remiss if we didn’t include this section: IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General shall establish a Federal system for issuing a Federal firearm license to eligible individuals for firearms transferred to such individual.

My Gun permit

It doesn’t stop there. The procedure requires the US attorney general to establish a system for issuing them. Also, the bill mandates people jump through hoops to include a safety course, a written test, hands-on testing, firing testing, and so on.

You’d never own a gun.

After that, the licensee must pass a federal background check and criminal history, and supply proof of ID, fingerprints, and very specific information on the specific firearm the person wants to buy (or transfer).

After all that, the only people who will own guns are criminals. Democrats should just follow the laws that deal with gun crimes, and they do have plenty of those already.


Federal Firearm Licensing Act by Maura on Scribd

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