Thanks to Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Braun, two radical judges were confirmed to the US District Courts, one in Washington State and one in D.C. Ted Cruz and Mike Braun missed the vote. Senator Manchin voted against radical Pennell, and Senator Sinema didn’t vote for radical Ali. However, they were confirmed because the two aforementioned Republicans were no-shows. Kamala Harris was on vacation so she would not have been able to confirm these two.
Rebecca Pennell
Woke Judge Rebecca Pennell hates alleged “white supremacists” and claims they permeate everything and have for centuries.
Which activist thinks “racism and white supremacy currently plague every social, educational, economic, governmental, and legal system” in America?
Rebecca Pennell, the woke nominee who Democrats are trying to smuggle onto the federal bench before Pres. Biden leaves office.
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) November 19, 2024
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Democrats confirmed Amir Ali to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Mike Braun and Ted Cruz didn’t show up.
Amir Ali
Amir Ali is a radical who currently runs a left-wing dark money group that supports defunding the police. He wants to “transform” the criminal justice system. Since 2021, Ali has been the president and executive director of the MacArthur Justice Center. It is a left-wing group that has publicly called to defund the police and plans to “transform” the criminal justice system.
The 2020 riots surrounding the death of George Floyd gave the Center the opportunity to showcase its “defund the police” agenda, which one of its spokespeople described as “a movement toward making police departments obsolete.”
The Center also has a National Parole Transformation Project tasked with “challenging the parole systems feeding mass incarceration” and aiming “to end the expansion of carceral systems of post-conviction supervision across the country.” Then there is the Marshall Project, which advocates changes in existing language as follows:
Instead of “inmate” or “convict,” use “incarcerated person,” “imprisoned people,” or “people in jail.”
Instead of “felon,” “offender,” or “parolee,” use “He was convicted of ____,” “They were placed on probation,” or “She is on parole.”
The Center began the month of February by hosting a panel discussion Thursday entitled “Dismantling Mass Incarceration: The Road Ahead.”
If every Republican was present and voted, they could have stopped this confirmation because, as we said, Kamala is in Hawaii.
Amir H. Ali, of the District of Columbia, to be United States District Judge for DC
Vote Counts:
YEAs 50
NAYs 48
Not Voting 2 @SenTedCruz and @SenatorBraunIf these two Republican senators had shown up to vote, it would’ve been a tie—Kamala Harris is on vacation.
— Grace Chong (@gc22gc) November 20, 2024
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